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Privacy and Cookie Policy


I collect cookies through from those who visit my website. This website is also tracked by Google.

You can view Statcounter's privacy policy here.

Why do you do that?

To know if anyone came to see the website! I cannot see who you are, but in many cases I can see your general geographic location. It's very general though. There are no addresses or specific information.

Can you tell who I am?

No. I can see approximately where you are located. And it has a cool map showing little dots where visitors have come from. I wonder about the people who appear to be in the middle of an ocean . . .

It gives me a cookie when I visit my website, so I know that the town it mentions isn't always correct. It's sometimes 30 miles away. Still, even with some discrepancies, it's interesting to know where my readers are generally located.

It also tells me things like which page you came to see and from which page you departed.

Do you store this information?

No. It only shows me the last 500 people who visited. So eventually, your visit drops off.

Do you share or sell this information?

Never. It's just for me. However, I do not know how Google or Statcounter use this information.


I collect your first and last name as well as your email address when you sign up for my newsletter.

Why do you do that?

So I can send you my newsletters and email blasts.

Can you tell who I am?

Sure. You gave me your name when you signed up.

Do you store this information?

Yes. It is stored in my Direct Mail account so I can send newsletters and email blasts to you.

Can I ask to be removed?

Yes. Anytime. Each newsletter and email blast has an unsubscribe link at the bottom.

Do you share or sell this information?


So that's the basic scoop. I value your privacy just like I value my own privacy. If you ever have concerns, please reach out to me at .

Privacy & Cookie Policy