
3/4 cup sugar

1 14 ounce can fat free sweetened condensed milk

1 14 ounce can skim milk (use the empty can to measure)

3 eggs

3 egg whites

1 teaspoon vanilla

1. Preheat the oven to 325.

2. As close to the stove as possible, place six ramekins in a baking dish (I like the glass casseroles). If you don't have ramekins handy, use oven safe tea cups or even a quiche or pie plate.

3. Melt the sugar over medium heat in a small pot. Do not stir. Shake the pot from time to time, swirling the sugar. It will seem like it's never going to happen, and

then, suddenly, you'll see honey colored melted sugar in the bottom. Keep swirling until the sugar is completely melted.

4. Pour the sugar into the ramekins, distributing evenly. If you're using a quiche or pie pan, roll the sugar around a bit to distribute.

5. Place the remaining ingredients in a blender or food processor. Mix.

6. Pour over top of the sugar.

7. Use a water kettle to pour water into the baking pan around the ramekins. The water should come about half way up. Slide into oven.

8. Bake 40 minutes. Remove from oven and cool. Refrigerate about two hours or until firm.

     1.     Use a knife to loosen the sides, turn over a plate, and serve!

I had just a little bit left over, so I poured it into a cup. It didn't fit in my water bath, though, so I just stuck it into the oven. The one without the water bath tastes the same and is equally creamy, but it doesn't cook as evenly and it fell.

