Vanilla Pudding

Pudding is the ultimate comfort food.  Since this is made with skim (non-fat) milk, it's not even bad for you!  Makes four portions.  

1 egg

2 cups of skim or non-fat milk

1/3 cup sugar (if you're watching sugar, you can take out a teaspoon or two)

1/4 cup corn starch

1 tablespoon butter

1 teaspoon vanilla

dash of salt

Place the corn starch, sugar, and dash of salt in a heavy-bottomed saucepan.  Using a whisk, mix the dry ingredients. Pour the cold milk over the dry ingredients and, still using the whisk, blend them.  (You're not using the whisk to whisk, just to blend and stir.)  Crack the egg into the empty milk measuring cup and whisk (if you don't have a tiny whisk, use a fork) thoroughly.  

Turn on the burner to medium high.  Stir the milk mixture with the whisk to be sure the mixture doesn't burn.  You may need to turn the heat back a bit when it begins to bubble.  Stirring the whole time, let bubble softly for one minute.  Remove from heat.  

Drop a few drops of the hot mixture into the egg and whisk.  Add a few more drops and whisk again to temper the egg.  Add the egg to the milk mixture and whisk to blend.  Stirring continuously, bring it back to a gentle boil and cook for one minute.

Remove from heat.  Add vanilla and butter and stir to mix.

Krista's Tip:  We all have teacups that came with our china that we never use.  Pour the pudding into teacups and refrigerate when cool.  To serve, turn each cup over a plate, give a little shake and it will plop out.  Serve plain or garnish with fruit or a cookie.

And on a cold night, it's even yummy warm!

Prefer chocolate pudding?    Click here!

vanilla pudding